Florida Certified Arborist
Why arborist oversight is so crucial:
Because a healthy treescape can comprise up to 15% of a property's value, Orlando homeowners put their confidence in tree services whose operations are directed by a Certified Arborist. When tree service estimators and crew members are not under the supervision of an Arborist, trees can be severely damaged by improper pruning, structural safety concerns can go undiagnosed, the wrong trees can be recommended for removal, and the right trees are not always preserved properly.
A certified arborist directs our entire operation:
Not only do we employ an ISA Certified Arborist, he is actually our General Manager! Often an arborist consults with a tree service only as an advisor, but at Tree Work Now, he's the boss. Therefore, instructions to our tree trimming and removal crews regarding tree health, safety and beauty cannot be ignored. So you can rest assured that an educated concern for the flourishing of Florida's urban forestry (rather than just a "quick buck") guides our estimators and tree service crews from Orlando to Daytona.
Meet our ISA Certified Arborists:
Dani Keller (pictured here) is certified through the International Society of Arboriculture, and has received education specific to Florida trees and habitat, his specialization being in the area of tree pruning and preservation. His Certificate number is: FL-6199A, and you may view his certificate here. It is kept current by annually earning 30 Continuing Education Credits, insuring that he stays informed on current trends and issues such as disease and insect infestations which may be affecting your Orlando or Daytona trees. In addition to his ISA Certifed Arborist credential, Dani holds the ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification. This additional credential identifies Dani as a tree care professional who has attained specialized knowledge in tree risk assessment. He is trained in and experienced with advanced diagnostic techniques for assessing and mitigating tree risks, which can give you an extra dose of confidence that your trees are in good hands. Click the "Ask an Arborist" button to fire him a question regarding your Florida trees.
Treescape Assessment:
Our Certified Arborist can provide you a free phone consultation on the condition of your trees, recommending solutions that are best for their health, safety and beauty. We will offer recommendations pertaining to the:
of your home & family
- Roof clearance
- Preventative storm thinning
- Utility line clearance
- Dead & broken branch removal
- Leaning or hollow tree removal
- Dead tree removal
- proximity to home correction
- Vehicular & pedestrian clearance
of your landscape
- Visual clearance
- Dying tree removal
- Thinning for turf growth
- Storm damage correction
- Sucker growth removal
- Stump grinding
- Debris removal
- Replanting
of your trees
- Thinning for light & air penetration
- Invasive species removal
- Insect treatment
- Disease treatment
- Mistletoe removal
- Structural pruning
- Weak joint correction
- Characteristic shape restoration
Verify Certification:
Feel free to verify Dani Keller's Certified Arborist Certification at the following link: http://www.treesaregood.org/findanarborist/findanarborist/id/199078
Learn more about arboriculture at ISA's website: www.isa-arbor.com or call them with any questions you may have: (217) 355-9411.
The International Society of Arboriculture
The International Society of Arboriculture in Champaign, Illinois is a scientific and educational organization devoted to the dissemination of information in the care and preservation of shade and ornamental trees. ISA's Certification Program is designed to promote the professional development of those involved in the field of arboriculture or tree care. When contracting for your tree care needs, contact individuals who are certified through this program. In addition to Dani Keller's Certification as an Arborist, Tree Work Now (specifically its owner) holds a membership in ISA.
Ask an Arborist
Do you have a question which requires the expertise of an arboriculture professional? Here's your chance to receive free advice regarding the health of your Florida trees.
Our ISA Certified Arborist has demonstrated professional competency in the following categories as it relates to Florida trees:
- Soil Management
- Identification & Selection
- Installation & Establishment
- Safe Work Practices
- Tree Biology
- Pruning
- Diagnosis & Treatment
- Urban Forestry
- Protection & Preservation
- Tree Risk Management
To Contact Us
Please call
407-416-2704 in Orlando
386-747-8933 in Daytona Beach
855-937-7863 toll free
or submit our online estimate form. If you prefer, you could write to us at ask@treeworknow.com.
Receive a free quote
Fill out this form to receive a prompt, on-site tree service quote at no charge! We can usually schedule your quote within 48 hours.