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Orlando Tree Service Pros Help You Understand Tree Health

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Orlando Tree Service Pros Help You Understand Tree Health

Orlando Tree Service Pros

Trees are more than just an aesthetic addition to your home’s landscape—though, of course, they do spruce up a space! Most importantly, though, they are living organisms that require care and attention to thrive. The Orlando tree service pros at Tree Work Now believe that a beautiful backyard begins with understanding the biological components of tree health—and while you’ll want to leave maintenance work to your Orlando tree service pros, you can still empower yourself with some basic facts in the meantime.

Here are some of the key traits you’ll find in a healthy, thriving tree.

Vascular Vitality

Just like humans have a circulatory system, trees have a vascular system that is crucial to their survival. This system consists of xylem and phloem—which move water and minerals and distribute nutrients, respectively. A healthy tree with a strong vascular system will have efficient nutrient and water flow, while a weaker one might exhibit slow growth, dieback in branches, and discolored or wilting leaves.

Good Roots

Roots are the anchor of a tree—both figuratively and, well, literally. They absorb water and nutrients from the soil and stabilize the tree, so they have a pretty big job! Symptoms of root problems include visible decay, fungi growth near the base, and an overall decline in tree health. Regular inspection of the root zone and proper watering can help maintain root health—but don’t hesitate to call us if you need a professional’s take!

A Healthy Trunk

The trunk of a tree serves as a protective shield against environmental threats big and small. Healthy trees have intact bark, without any major cracks or holes. Peeling bark, deep cracks, or cavities can indicate disease or internal decay—or at the very least warrant further inspection. Also, the presence of fungi or excessive amounts of deadwood can be warning signs of underlying health issues.

Look to the Leaves

Leaves are the food factories of trees, playing a vital role in photosynthesis. Healthy leaves are usually vibrant and robust, indicative of good overall tree health. Discoloration, premature leaf drop, or abnormal leaf size can be signs of nutrient deficiencies, pest infestations, or diseases. Observing the leaves across seasons can provide valuable insights into the health of your tree.

Strong Limbs for Longevity

Branches are often one of the first places you’ll spot signs of tree health (or lack thereof). Healthy trees have strong, resilient branches and grow quickly—whereas dead or dying branches, or ones that break easily, can point to a potential problem. Fortunately, pruning dead or diseased branches in time can prevent damage from affecting the rest of the tree.

Understanding the biology of tree health is essential for every homeowner. By familiarizing yourself with these vital aspects of tree health, you can better monitor the condition of your trees and seek professional help when necessary—and for that, Tree Work Now always has your back!

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