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Comparison Chart

Comparison Chart

Price is important; but is it all-important? Shopping with price as the ONLY consideration makes sense when purchasing certain PRODUCTS, but when it comes to SERVICES such as tree removal and tree trimming, what you actually get can vary wildly for the exact same job. Taking the lowest tree service bid without considering other factors can cost you more in property repairs and headaches. This comparison chart can help you weigh all the critical factors as you choose a tree service in Seminole County, Volusia County, and the greater Orlando area

To Contact Us

Please call

407-416-2704 in Orlando
386-747-8933 in Daytona Beach
855-937-7863 toll free

or submit our online estimate form. If you prefer, you could write to us at


Customers often ask my estimators and I if we can give them a price over the telephone. This is nearly impossible, given the variety of factors that influence tree trimming or tree removal. Danger level and time required are the two largest categories that affect the price of tree service. Read More.

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